[13 Nov 2006 | Monday]
"Used" PS3 Store Price Hits $1,200 In Japan
Current mood: nerdy
Category: Games
"Used" PS3 Store Price Hits $1,200 In Japan
So the PS3 fleecing begins. "Used" (with "used" meaning "never opened") PLAYSTATION 3s are appearing around Tokyo and Osaka. The original launch prices ballparked between 58,900 yen and 70,000 yen for the high end machine, while the cheaper version went for between 49,000 yen and 55,000 yen. Reader Ryan reports that he saw 60gig versions going for 110,000 yen (US $938), and the 20gig going for twice its retail price. While Kotakuite Drew passes along this photo he snapped on November 12th (a day after launch). He points out:
In the picture above, the used 60GB version is marked at 144,900 yen ($1,237), and the 20GB one is at 94,290 yen ($805). High store prices are popping up on Japanese blogs like Akiba Blog. Likewise, the intertubes are flooded with these consoles. But at these prices and this steady black market supply, what kind of demand are they expecting?Their price for the 60GB model is more than my frickin' rent!
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