
Rock Band ramblings with a dash of awesome. \m/

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I'm on Loco Roco’s MySpace Blog!

Posted by Izzy D.

[16 Nov 2006 | Thursday] I was featured on Loco Roco's blog!

Current mood: excited

Category: Games

OMG guess what?! I was featured on Loco Roco's MySpace blog!!  I also put the blog on ThePSPNation forums, MySpace Blog, and RadioGTN. I love those little blobs.


[16 Nov 2006 | Thursday]

Another LocoFriend gets a Spread the Joy Kit

Current mood: mischievous

There might be a few left yet, so sign up at our profile if you haven't done so already, because you don't have to be jealous of our latest friend to get a kit.

They truly made my day (again.) haha! Now I just have get my latest Loco Roco photo shoot off the ground.