
Rock Band ramblings with a dash of awesome. \m/

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Loco Roco Christmas Demo

Posted by Izzy D.

[17 Dec 2006 | Sunday] Loco Roco Christmas Demo

Current mood: bouncy

Category: Games

The latest Loco Roco Demo has been released! A new level will be decked out in full "snow-reindeer-and happy, colorful tree" glory. The new level will come with a "Christmas song guaranteed to stick in your head way into next year", which will surely turn your holiday blahs into holiday yays! Best part is, it's free!

Merry Christmas to all! Here's how you can download it:

Download the North American version here
Download the Japanese version here
Download the European version here
Download the hexed demo for v2.80 and v3.00 from PSP117 here.
Christmas demo requires PSP Firmware Version 3.02

There is also a LocoRoco Holiday - Music Track to download.

TPN Brokeback Christmas

Posted by Izzy D.

TPN Brokeback Christmas
Current mood: happy

Category: Games

Alexis got a deck of Adult Swim cards. Then I beat her in a game of Spit.

I got the last number in the White Elephant. In the end I decided to open the unwanted "Brokeback Mountain" gift Hector brought. If it weren't for people saying Brokeback Mountain I don't think I would have had the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD. Then again, I could have stolen it from another TPN member since I was last. I know it would have made Crissy happy.

I bought cookies from the bakery. They were yummy. :)

My gift was Sega Genesis Collection for PS2. I wrapped it in my custom Space Invaders wrapping paper. Alexis happily won it. I saved her some Wii points with the collection. hahaha

After the meetup we tried to go to No idea, but it was crowded. After running out of options the eight of us decided to part. We were in the park at Union Square 14th st. They had this really cool holiday light display. If you step into it the square, the holiday shapes would respond to your body movement. In box the shapes would repel, in other they attract to you. It was fun running around the box and chasing the lights. There was another box that made a ring of red around your body. It was so cool!

Crissy, Ant, and I went to Starbucks, had some yummy drinks and then hit the L train at 14th.

Ok now for the official TPN Wrap up. Phantasy Star Universe came in and the intro music is driving me mad in the background. I'm going to try it for a few minutes. Enjoy the wrap up!


The Japanese Super Safe Wii Safety Manual

Posted by Izzy D.

[04 Dec 2006 | Monday]
The Japanese Super Safe Wii Safety Manual

Current mood: good

Category: Games

Dig the pretty peekchures!

The Japanese Super Safe Wii Safety Manual


From hitting your friend in the face to throwing your Wii away with burnable trash, Nintendo Co., Ltd. has you covered. The Japanese safety manual is extensive to say the least. Sometimes are good to know (like the Sensor Bar doesn't like Christmas trees and the Wii-mote can interfere with pacemakers as previously posted), and other things seem out of left field. I mean, do people really need to be told not to pour orange soda on their Wii console?

























Posted by Izzy D.

[01 Dec 2006 | Friday]
Birthday Penguins, Wii, & TPN

Current mood: hungry

We kidnapped Anthony and took him to TPN. Crissy wanted a DS Lite and the New Super Mario Bros. so we stopped by EBGames. There we met up with Quan and Jennifer. As usual the group was there with their PSP's. This was Crissy's first official TPN meetup. One guy came all the way from Philly for the meetup. He's a cool dude. Everyone loved Crissy's Penguin. It's a large cuddly penguin, perfect for hugging. It's quite humorous to see metal heads dress it with bracelets and Naruto bands, and then hug it. Buddha (as my sister calls him) was the star of the night. Instantly, he became the official TPN mascot. Luckily we were able to pry off fingers and take him home.

TPN Adopts a Penguin

When it was time to say goodbye, I left with Dre to his car. He had the Wii in it's Nintendo World bag. A had already prepared for this and brought a Hot Topic bag for concealment. It fit perfectly over the Nintendo World bag. We said our goodbyes to Dre and Alexis, stopped by Starbucks for some Iced Green Tea, (Strawberry Frap for Cris) and then went home. We were home by 10:30 pm and I was asleep shortly after midnight. I made sure I turned the sound off my cell so that I could sleep.

I made up for the sleep I lost so I am quite happy. Unfortunately I cannot open the Wii until X-Mas Eve... My mother insisted to buy it for us this Chirstmas. Oh well, guess I will playing at my friends house until then. Today I am purchasing another controller for my Wii. I'll make a Mii on it for when I visit my friends. Mom still wants a Christmas list from me and my family. For those who are interested here is my
Christmas Wishlist. (I'm looking at you CJ. lol) I can't believe it's filled with Nintendo.

Wanna touch my Wii?

Posted by Izzy D.

Wanna touch my Wii?
Current mood: happy

Category: Games

Wanna touch my Wii?
Come on baby, you know you want to...

--> -->The next generation of gaming is upon us, and the console wars has begun.
Below is the current worldwide sales of the consoles between the Microsoft Xbox 360,
the Sony Playstation 3, and the Nintendo Wii.

Nintendo just ? their fans.

Before the Playstation 3 hit, the console was selling for $2,000 to $3,000 a pop. The day the console hit, the average price of a Playstation 3 on eBay was $2,900.

But as of Saturday that price had already dropped to closer to $1,100. That was short-lived. The question is, would you stand around in the cold and rain for two to three days for less than $500 profit?
Check out this awesome Star Wars video:

9:01 PM -

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[18 Nov 2006 | Saturday] Angry Nintendo Nerd takes on the Power Glove!

Current mood: geeky

Category: Games

I <3 Angry Nintendo Nerd. He's kinda like Grim Santo but angrier. lol (I say it with love man!) I hope the Wii doesn't give us problems. Raaad Racer in 3D! Mario defiantly earned his original name as "Jump Man"


There will be some noodle-armed whiners out there complaining that their Wii-wand waving makes it hard to play Twilight Princess for more than 30 minutes. But look how good we have it now, compared to then. The Power Glove, a watershed moment in sucky, half-assed controllers.

Warning: Like all Angry Nintendo Nerd videos, this is packed to the brim with bad, bad language. Not for virgin ears.


I'm on Loco Roco’s MySpace Blog!

Posted by Izzy D.

[16 Nov 2006 | Thursday] I was featured on Loco Roco's blog!

Current mood: excited

Category: Games

OMG guess what?! I was featured on Loco Roco's MySpace blog!!  I also put the blog on ThePSPNation forums, MySpace Blog, and RadioGTN. I love those little blobs.


[16 Nov 2006 | Thursday]

Another LocoFriend gets a Spread the Joy Kit

Current mood: mischievous

There might be a few left yet, so sign up at our profile if you haven't done so already, because you don't have to be jealous of our latest friend to get a kit.

They truly made my day (again.) haha! Now I just have get my latest Loco Roco photo shoot off the ground.


"Used" PS3 Store Price Hits $1,200 In Japan

Posted by Izzy D.

[13 Nov 2006 | Monday]
"Used" PS3 Store Price Hits $1,200 In Japan

Current mood: nerdy

Category: Games

"Used" PS3 Store Price Hits $1,200 In Japan

So the PS3 fleecing begins. "Used" (with "used" meaning "never opened") PLAYSTATION 3s are appearing around Tokyo and Osaka. The original launch prices ballparked between 58,900 yen and 70,000 yen for the high end machine, while the cheaper version went for between 49,000 yen and 55,000 yen. Reader Ryan reports that he saw 60gig versions going for 110,000 yen (US $938), and the 20gig going for twice its retail price. While Kotakuite Drew passes along this photo he snapped on November 12th (a day after launch). He points out:

Their price for the 60GB model is more than my frickin' rent!
In the picture above, the used 60GB version is marked at 144,900 yen ($1,237), and the 20GB one is at 94,290 yen ($805). High store prices are popping up on Japanese blogs like Akiba Blog. Likewise, the intertubes are flooded with these consoles. But at these prices and this steady black market supply, what kind of demand are they expecting?