
Rock Band ramblings with a dash of awesome. \m/

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FC Roundup: 07.20.09

Posted by Izzy D.

Today was quite a productive day in Rock Band 2. I got 4 new solo Vox FC's, and 8 new dual Vox + Bass FC's with S1ckH4nds.

Solo Vox FC:

FC# 108: "Creepin' Up the Backstairs" by The Fratellis [Video]
This is by far my favorite song from The Fratellis pack, and one of my favorite songs in the game. I highly recommend The Fratellis pack if you haven't picked it up already. The video was made by request after Dual FC'ing "Creeping Up the Backstairs" with S1ckH4nds. This was my first, and only solo FC of the song. It's a devil horned tier 6 song so it was no easy feat!

FC #109: "Highway Star" by Deep Purple [Video]
This is one of my favorite songs from Rock Band 1 so I'm happy to have it on RB2. The video was my first for Team Cena and the first time I've ever FC'd the song. I FC'd it on my second run. It surprised me because I remember this song being much, much harder. I guess this means I've improved a lot over the last few months. At this time my "Highway Star" score is ranked 19th on ScoreHero. Not so bad huh?

FC #110: "Spiderwebs" by No Doubt
Ah No Doubt, how I love and hate you. You are the soundtrack of my youth, but the burden of my headaches in Rock Band. Gwen's voice is not difficult, but her range and chart can change drastically at any given point. Spiderwebs remains fairly consistent but I would constantly hit a "Strong" in various places. After half a dozen tries to FC for my 100th, I gave up. After FC'ing "Creepin' Up the Backstairs" and "Highway Star" I felt that today was the to FC it. After 5 tries, and 4 breaks (I know, slacker) I finally FC'd it. I'm currently half way through with FC'ing all the No Doubt songs. Take that Gwen! :D

FC #111: "Almost Easy" by Avenged Sevenfold
"Almost Easy" is a Tier 5 song from the Rock Band 2 disc. In my Platinum Endless Setlist 2 I got a 95% on the song. The song wasn't in my queue but it was calling my name. I fired it up, and within my first run I FC'd it! My score is terrible because my first activation was on 2 instead of 2/sk1, and I completely missed my second activation on 2. I was forced to go on 4 so that hurt my score. I'll go back to it at some point and re-FC the song with a better score. Now that I have handle on it, it's very easy.
S1ck 'n' Saiko Dual FC:

S'n'S B+V FC #70 "Ex-Girlfriend" by No Doubt
"Ex-Girlfriend" is a good example of Gwen's unusual vocal range. Half of this song is charted with talkies, and the spoken parts vary in range and speed. Despite this I've become comfortable with the song. The first time S1ckH4nds and I FC'd this song we had a terrible score. We're SnS we cannot allow that! After pathing, and re-pathing we were finally able to squeeze out 476,259 points. Unfortunately we were unable to Gold Star the song, so we'll have to tackle this another day.

S'n'S B+V FC #71 "Breaking the Girl" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Nothing difficult for vox, but bass has a few rough spots. In the end we were able to beat the top score by 83,467 points on ScoreHero.

S'n'S B+V FC #72 "Call Me" by Blondie
S1ckH4nds enjoys Blondie, but I'm personally not a fan. He steered away from the FC queue and challenged me. I had never FC'd this song solo so I had to learn it. After a few shaky runs we were able to call this one FC #72. Now I have to toss this in my solo Vox FC queue.

S'n'S B+V #73 "Creepin' Up the Backstairs" by The Fratellis [Video]
As I said before, this is far my favorite song from The Fratellis pack. S1ckH4nds and I cannot recommend The Fratellis pack enough. This song is quite difficult for both of us so it took some time and patience. After our first dual FC, S1ckH4nds recorded the video that is linked above. We managed to squeeze out 148 points more points from our first FC run! This is currently the highest recorded bass+vox score on ScoreHero on any platform and in any Rock Band game. :D

S'n'S B+V FC #74 "Don't Speak" by No Doubt
Do you see a trend yet? I'm currently working on the No Doubt pack so you'll see even more FC's from them. "Don't Speak" is very easy for both bass and vox. Pathing became difficult since the bass has many dead spots. Our first couple of runs put us at 2nd place globally so we repathed. After several tries we both got tired of the song and stuck with our new 1st place score of 607,244.

S'n'S B+V FC #75 "Push It" by Static-X
After several slow songs S1ckH4nds asked "Can we play something short and fun?" I replied with "How about Push It?" S1ckH4nds was surprisingly happy with my selection. I love Static-X but this song is not fun as I expected it to be. We FC'd it in our first run and kept the score of 394,397.

S'n'S B+V FC #76 "Monsoon" by Tokio Hotel
Monsoon has been a guilty pleasure of mine for several years. I've listened to this song in German and English far too many times then I'd like to admit. When I suggested it to S1ckH4nds, I was surprised to see that he was also a fan. In our first run we dual FC'd the song, but played it several times to re-path with the bass chords. We replayed it for over 30 mins before we got sick of it and settled on 627,842.

S'n'S B+V FC #77 "Go With the Flow" by Queens of the Stone Age
Revisited Rock Band 1 for the second time with "Go With the Flow." ScoreHero's vox path was incorrect so we had to make a few revisions of our own.